New collection STEP

A word from the designer

Life isn’t always plain sailing, and is all the better for it!
Surprises, changes of direction and unexpected disruption are something we all experience.
The trick is to not to plan too far ahead and move forward day by day, step by step, because everything could change tomorrow.
This idea is the inspiration behind the new Dilem STEP model.
The guiding principle of this collection is contrast.
Between yesterday and today, or between today and tomorrow.
This is firstly symbolised by a change in dimension on the front of the models.
These are decorated with a light-catching coloured acetate rim, which is abruptly interrupted to reveal a matt metal section in matching or contrasting tones.
This creates oppositions of colours, finishes and heights.
There are also striking contrasts in the decoration, finish and dimensions on the temples: long endtips in graphic patterns and single-colour temples, harmonies of matt and gloss, and combinations of flat  and ultra-slim. Here again the break between these different parts can be very obvious and striking, or much gentler in feel.
Step: a contemporary collection featuring harmonious contrasts, fine lines, beautiful colours and on-trend shapes.
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By Christèle, designer – step by step